Dave’s Music Database:Top 20 Songs of 2023 |
These are the top 20 songs of the year based on their overall performance in Dave’s Music Database, which is determined by combining chart data, sales figures, streaming, video views, and aggregates from year-end lists and charts. Note that songs which were originally released or charted prior to 2023 are ineligible for this list. Check out “Top Songs and Albums of the Year” lists here. Spotify Podcast:Check out the Dave’s Music Database podcast episode The Top 20 Songs of 2023 based on this list.
DMDB Top 1%:
1. Miley Cyrus “Flowers” DMDB Top 2%:
2. Morgan Wallen “Last Night” DMDB Top 5%:
3. Olivia Rodrigo “Vampire”
11. Jack Harlow “Lovin’ on Me” Resources/Related Links:
First posted 12/30/2023; last updated 1/19/2024. |
Excellent list! Eight of your top 20 songs are also in my top 20 for the year. "Flowers" was my #3; my #1 (by a wide margin) was "What Was I Made For."