| Kevin GilbertTop 20 Songs |
Overview:Born: Kevin Matthew Gilbert Date: November 20, 1966 Where: Scotch Plains, New Jersey Died: May 17, 1996 Where: Eagle Rock, California Known As: synth-pop/neo-progressive rock singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist “Sometimes genius comes and goes without much notice or fanfare. Such is the case with the late Kevin Gilbert,” P “a musical prodigy” JS who “colleagues invariably called…‘the most talented musician I ever met.’” JS This little-known performer ranks as one of my favorite singers. When he died, he “left behind enormous unanswered questions about his potential.” JS Kevin “Gilbert was a moderately important figure in Californian rock music in the 1980’s and 1990’s.” DN “He was an accomplished instrumentalist and composer, who played keyboards, guitars, drums, bass and cellos, as well as singing vocals. His talents also extended to producer.” WK He “spent several years on the edge of stardom [but] could never capitalize on his talents.” DE ” He “might be the most talented American musician to be involved with progressive rock, with the possible exception of Frank Zappa. Although all of his work contains a very strong pop element, there’s usually a lot of prog underneath it.” DN I have said that if I were a musician, Kevin Gilbert best represents the kind of music I would want to make. His lyrics go beyond clichéd love songs and are infused with witticism. His musicianship showcase the tireless hours he spent in the studio perfecting his craft. It was a shame to lose such an astonishing talent at 29. His work, however, lives on and for those uninitiated in his music, I hope this post leads you down the same musical journey where KG’s music has taken me. Significant Bands:
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Top 20 SongsThese are my top 20 favorite Kevin Gilbert songs.
1. There Was a Little Boy (Toy Matinee, 1990)
11. Parade (1996)
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First posted 11/17/2023. |
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