DoolittlePixies |
Released: April 17, 1989 Peak: 98 US, 8 UK, -- CN, 104 AU Sales (in millions): 1.0 US, 0.3 UK, 1.3 world (includes US and UK) Genre: alternative rock |
Tracks:Song Title (date of single release, chart peaks) Click for codes to charts.
Total Running Time: 38:38 The Players:
Rating:4.404 out of 5.00 (average of 29 ratings)
Quotable:“One of those buzzed-about landmark records that traveled far on word of mouth. If you cared about rock noise in 1989, you needed to hear it.” – Tom MoonAwards:(Click on award to learn more). |
About the Album:The Pixies formed in Boston in 1986. They were fronted by singer Charles Thompson (aka “Black Francis”) “and anchored in every sense by bassist-vocalist Kim Deal.” TM Guitarist Joey Santiago and drummer David Lovering rounded out the foursome who released their EP Come on Pilgrim in 1987 and debut album, the “brilliant but abrasive Surfer Rosa,” AM in 1988.Noisy Meets PoppyAfter “Surfer Rosa, the Pixies’ sound couldn’t get much more extreme” AM so on Doolittle the band “reins in the noise in favor of pop songcraft and accessibility.” AM “It’s as though the band finished touring Surfer Rosa and realized that it was taxing work to bludgeon people for an entire evening.” TM The result is “a more assured collection of songs” AD as they “find a comfortable balance between angry distortion and some of the bounciest sunshine music this side of flower power.” CQA New ProducerSteve Albini, who later worked on PJ Harvey’s Rid of Me and Nirvana’s In Utero, produced Surfer Rosa and Kim wanted him for the next album but Black Francis balked. Instead, the band went with Gil Norton. His “sonic sheen adds some polish,” AM providing “a contrast to the band’s abrasive force,” CM which enhanced the band’s “loud/quiet guitar squalls” EW’12 that became “a Pixies trademark.” CM“It’s an album that grabs your attention in a way that makes you scared to look away. Few albums have ever been so exhilarating.” PM It is “eclectic and ambitious” AM with “wide-ranging moods and sounds,” AM showcasing the Pixies’ “full range of achievements and styles.” AD InfluenceDoolittle “became one of those buzzed-about landmark records that traveled far on word of mouth. If you cared about rock noise in 1989, you needed to hear it. That’s still true.” TM The album made the Pixies one of “the handful of bands that every ‘90s indie band worth its salt cites as an essential influence.” PK “It’s easy to see why the album made the Pixies into underground rock stars;” AM this is “a fun, freaky alternative to most other late-‘80s college rock.” AMNirvana’s Kurt Cobain himself acknowledged the Pixies’ influence on “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” 500 It became “the Old Testament of grunge rock” CM and “a rite of passage for anyone who wants to get into alt-rock.” PM Like Sonic Youth, the Pixies “completely deconstructed the pop format, twisting basic surf guitar chord progressions into wholly original new forms…The results could be brilliant, but also occasionally distancing.” PK “Black Francis’ self-described ‘stream of unconsciousness’ rants” 500 grew into “tighter songwriting [that] focuses the group’s attack” AM but still display “enough killer guitar hooks and melodicism to keep it anchored.” PK The Songs:Here’s some insight into each of the individual songs on the album.“Debaser” This “playfully diabolical power pop” CQ is signicant not just in the Pixies’ catalog but in its influence on Kurt Cobain. His love of the Pixies and their loud-soft dynamic supposedly led to his efforts to replicate their sound with Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” PK . It is inspired by Luis Bunuel’s 1929 French silent film, the classic surrealist short Un Chien Andalou he co-wrote with Salvador Dali. Thompson said the aim of the movie was “to debase morality. To debase standards of art.” BS-78 It is the closest Thompson has come to a manifesto. BS-78
“Tame” The song’s genius is in the decision to “exploit the contrast between verse and chorus. The former usually builds up to the latter, as tension and release. Why not exaggerate that difference and make a whispered leap up to an Olympian firestorm, only to plunge back down in an instant?” BS-81 Santiago “engaged in a bit of one-upmanship. ‘That whole song is three chords, ‘he says. ‘And I was pretty proud of the fact that, if you guys are playing three chords, well I’m gonna play one. So I just played one. One chord.” BS-82 “Wave of Mutilation” “I Bleed” The song “adheres more closely than any other song on the album to the Surrealist MO” BS-86 with its “devilish wordplay and contrasting imagery.” BS-86 Thompson “sing-speaks his way through the rhyme, teasing out each syllable to emphasize sound over sense.” BS-87 “Deal echoes his vocal in a hollow and repetitive two-note pattern. The result is closer to goth-rock than anything else in the Pixies repertoire.” BS-87 “Here Comes Your Man” “Though part of the Charles Thompson songbook from the beginning, it never quite fit with the Pixies’ sound, and despite the fact that it became one of its only songs to approach the level of a hit, the band long avoided playing it live.” BS-88 The band seemed to subscribe to the “vintage college-rock ‘tude [that] the hit, the pop song, shouldbe avoided as inauthentic.” BB-91 Thompson says, “It’s a sweet little chord progression thing that I wrote when I was like fourteen or fifteen.” BS-88 It became one of the band’s earliest recordings, surfacing during their 1987 Purple Tape sessions and bearing some resemblance to early R.E.M. BS-88 It was rejected for their 1987 Come on Pilgrim EP as “too plain, too unexciting.” BS-88 The band recorded it again in May 1988, but it failed to make their debut album, Surfer Rosa. BS-88
“Dead” “Monkey Gone to Heaven” It is also “one of the band’s biggest curveballs,” BS-96 a bizarre tale of “an environmental disaster [that] allows for humanity’s obliteration of a deity.” CM Another interpretation suggests the opposite. “No matter who he has crushed and burnt and destroyed, man is low on the scale, down there below Satan. God is uncrushable, and man is basically a monkey.” BS-97 Musically, Lovering “keeps a spare beat with a cold ‘English’ snare, and Black Francis narrates in the quietest, most childlike voice we have heard from him.” BS-98 There’s also “has a wall of amplified sludge that comes in and out of the picture.” BS-98 “Those four ugly chords [are] warped in a way only Joey Sanitago can warp a guitar chord.” BS-98
“Mr. Grieves” The song “might be a stompy cabaret number, but it is the most cynical song on Doolittle.” BS-101 Lyrically, the songs paints “a cold, detailed picture of the death of mankind, one straight out of a 1980s nuclear-apocalypse flick.” BS-100 “Crackity Jones” The song is “about a crazy roommate Francis had in Puerto Rico” AM when he was there for a six-month college study trip. BS-102 It’s “hilariously funny.” AD “La La Love You” “Bass, drums, and acoustic guitar play it straight, while Joey Santiago does a smartass wink followed by various Martian interpolations of surf chords.” BS-105 “To indicate a spoof, Thompson had the drummer sing it. Turns out Lovering was perfect for the part – he’s a cheesy crooner who can do a Rick Astley just as good as Rick Astley.” BS-105 “No. 13 Baby” Thompson “gives the whole second half of the song – almost two full minutes – to a trancelike, erotic groove, a state of pure pleasure that is unique in the Pixies songbook.” BS-108 “There Goes My Gun” It is “a slow little surf ditty that is under two minutes in length and contains just ten words of lyrics.” BS-109 It’s one of Thompson’s “finest moments as a minimalist.” BS-109 Even with so few words, the song comes across as a cautionary tale of a soldier who hears a noise and frantically shoots when it fails to identify itself as friend or foe. The listener is left with the impression that someone is killed, maybe even the narrator. BS-110 “Hey” This and “Monkey Gone to Heaven” “stretch Francis’ lyrical horizons” AM making for the “Pixies’ versions of message songs and romantic ballads.” AM Hey “opens with a spine chillingly beautiful vocal. Equally as beautiful restrained guitars come in.” AD It is “a rambling paragraph of sexual anxiety that is a bravura performance by Thompson and a moment of great finesse by the whole band.” BS-113 Thompson said the song was “to some degree inspired by thoughts of his mother and father, particularly in their wild, younger years. They grew older and split up, though they remained forever bound by their connection to their son.” BS-114 “Silver” Thompson viewed it as “a mere collaborative scrap” BS-115 with “throwaway and ambiguous” BS-115 lyrics “that made it onto the album as an afterthought.” BS-115 “Gouge Away” It “sets the biblical narrative of Samson and Delilah to a menacing bassline.” CM “The story mingles sex and politics on a small scale with gigantic divine retribution, as Samson the seduced and ruined becomes Samson the instrument of God’s fury.” BS-118 It is “a powerful song to close an utterly listenable album that really does have it all.” AD |
Related DMDB Pages:First posted 4/18/2012; last updated 3/12/2025. |
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