Siamese DreamSmashing Pumpkins |
Released: July 27, 1993 Peak: 10 US, 4 UK, 3 CN, 7 AU Sales (in millions): 4.9 US, 0.1 UK, 7.0 world (includes US and UK) Genre: alternative rock |
Tracks:Song Title (writers) [time] (date of single release, chart peaks) Click for codes to charts.
Songs written by Billy Corgan unless noted otherwise. Total Running Time: 62:08 The Players:
Rating:4.244 out of 5.00 (average of 23 ratings)
Quotable:“One of the finest alt-rock albums of all time.” – Greg Prato, AllMusic.comAwards:(Click on award to learn more). |
The BeginningThe Smashing Pumpkins formed in Chicago in 1988. They released their debut album, Gish, in 1991. It marked the alternative-rock outfit "as a band of immense potential,” TB placing them “on the ‘most promising artist’ list for many.” AMBand StrifeWhen it came time to record a follow-up album, “troubles were threatening to break the band apart. Singer/ guitarist/ leader Billy Corgan was battling a severe case of writer's block and was in a deep state of depression brought on by a relationship in turmoil; drummer Jimmy Chamberlin was addicted to hard drugs; and bassist D’Arcy and guitarist James Iha severed their romantic relationship. The sessions for their sophomore effort, Siamese Dream, were wrought with friction.” AMWhen the rest of the band “failed to buy into [his] ‘weird masterplan…to be the heaviest, meaniest, rockingest” RD album they could make, Corgan assumed sole responsibility for it, eventually playing practically all the instruments, except percussion, himself. AM It was ironic that the album title refers to “living in a dream state, an organic connection between people” RD given that the band were barely on speaking terms. RD “Some say strife and tension produces the best music, and it certainly helped make Siamese Dream one of the finest alt-rock albums of all time.” AM Grunge Adjacent“While most of their grunge contemporaries were inspired by 1970s punk and 1980s metal,” TB the Smashing Pumpkins “pushed further from Nineties alt-rock to a grander, orchestrated sound with multiple guitar parts, strings, and a Mellotron.” 500 They “drew more heavily on earlier psychedelic and progressive-rock groups as well as the dreamy, wall-of-sound productions of My Bloody Valentine.” TBThe album “is a sonic planet of guitar manipulations, overblown effects and Corgan’s angsty wail that drowns you in the lush, melodramatic sorrows of a man who felt outcast from the ‘90s indie-rock community.” PM There are “guitar solos galore, layered walls of sound courtesy of the album’s producers (Butch Vig and Corgan), extended compositions that bordered on prog rock, plus often reflective and heartfelt lyrics.” AM As a result, it “stands out amongst its grunge contemporaries for its dreamy, otherworldly quality…and massive volume that still maintains a quiet delicacy.” PM Siamese Dream ends up being “an exorcism of childhood demons,” RD “a megalomaniac’s masterpiece,” RD and “a full hour of hard-rock humdingers.” RD It is “an accomplished, diverse work, both heavier and more melodic than much of the alternative rock of the early 1990s.” TB It includes some of “the strongest songs of [Corgan’s] career.” TB The SongsHere are insights into individual tracks on the album.“The four tracks that were selected as singles became alternative radio standards.” AM The album’s opening song and lead single, Cherub Rock, “is a powerful statement of intent, multitracked guitar and drums, with the rest of the album divided between spacious atmospherics and unrelenting heavy rock.” TB Alongside “the anthems ‘Cherub Rock’… and Rocket” AM are as the “ringing Today,” RD and the “string-driven” RD “symphonic ballad Disarm.” AM The “ironic ‘Today’…was promoted by a music video in which Corgan drove an ice cream van.” TB “’Disarm’ is among the album’s high points, an arresting blend of fiercely strummed acoustic guitar, bells, strings, and Corgan’s pleading vocal.” TB “As a whole, Siamese Dream proved to be an incredibly consistent album.” AM “Silverfuck “fulfills Corgan’s aim ‘to blend Black Sabbath power with Led Zeppelin dynamics with Pink Floyd psychedelia.” RD “Lyrically, Corgan confronts ghosts of the past on ‘Disarm’ (his parents) and Spaceboy (his handicapped brother), spins a poetic web on Mayonaise, and picks at wounds on Soma (whose subject later became his ex-wife).” RD There are also “red-hot rockers Quiet and Geek U.S.A.” AM “plus the soothing sounds” AM of “the lullaby Luna.” RD |
Related DMDB Links:First posted 3/27/2011; last updated 11/28/2024. |
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