Fish-era Marillion
| Marillion & Fish
Top 100 Songs/
This list was originally posted on 4/25/2015 in honor of Fish’s birthday. He was born Derek Dick on April 25, 1958. From 1981 to 1988, he was the lead singer of British neo-progressive-rock group Marillion. They had their greatest success with 1985’s Misplaced Childhood, a #1 album in the UK. After the follow-up album, 1987’s Clutching at Straws and the live album The Thieving Magpie in 1988, Fish left the band for a solo career. Fish released 11 studio albums as a solo act from 1990 to 2020. He claimed that his 2020 album, Weltschmerz, would be his last solo effort. Meanwhile, Marillion replaced Fish with Steve Hogarth. From 1989 to 2016, they released thirteen studio albums. The first three, Seasons End (1989), Holidays in Eden (1991), and Brave (1994) were all top-10 albums in the UK. Both acts have built devoted fanbases by asking fans to pre-order releases as a means of financing studio albums. They’ve also both released multiple live albums through their websites that are not always available through convential retail outlets. Click here to see other best-of lists from performers and here to see other best-of lists from songwriters and/or producers. Spotify Podcast:Check out the Dave’s Music Database podcasts Marillion: The Best of the Fish Years, 1981-1988 (premiere: March 1, 2022 at 7pm CST) and Marillion: The Best of the Hogarth Years, 1989-2022 (premiere: March 8, 2022 at 7pm CST). Both are based on this list. Tune in every Tuesday at 7pm CST for a new episode based on the lists at Dave’s Music Database.
Awards for Marillion: Awards for Fish: |
Top 100 Songs by Marillion and FishDave’s Music Database lists are determined by song’s appearances on best-of lists as well as chart success, sales, radio airplay, streaming, and awards. Songs are by Marillion unless noted otherwise.
DMDB Top 5%:
1. Kayleigh (1985) DMDB Top 20%:
2. Incommunicado (1987)
11. Shortcut to Somewhere (Fish with Tony Banks, 1986) Beyond the DMDB Top 20%:
17. Sympathy (1992)
21. Childhood’s End? (1985)
31. After Me (1989)
41. That Time of the Night (1987)
51. The Party (1991)
61. Angel Face (Fish with Tony Banks, 1991)
71. Question (Fish, 1992)
81. The Great Escape (1994)
91. Cannibal Surf Babe (1995) Top 20 Studio Albums by Marillion and FishDave’s Music Database lists are determined by album’s appearances on best-of lists as well as chart success, sales, critics’ ratings, and awards. Albums are by Marillion unless noted otherwise.
1. Misplaced Childhood (1985)
11. Afraid of Sunlight (1995) Resources and Related Links:
First posted 4/25/2015; last updated 3/8/2022. |
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